Explore our curated list of essential terms related to the design, engineering, and production of light pipes, panel mount indicators, and LED displays.
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Wire leads are one method of attaching PMIs to the board or power source of a device.
These wires can be customized in length, and most PMIs with wire leads come in multiple standard length options.
In order for the indicator to be installed and properly powered with the rest of the device, the wires must connect to the power source.
Wire-to-wire crimping is one solution for ensuring all components are properly connected and secure. The other method is soldering the wires to the board or power source.
A material used to make light pipes, Zeonex is biocompatible and highly resistant to moisture and humidity, making it ideal for medical applications.
When no light is lost from Point A to Point B within a light pipe, zero light loss is achieved. While truly zero is impossible to obtain, there are several products available that get pretty darn close.
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